What is The Chamber Leadership Program?
This program is designed to allow the leaders of today and potential leaders of tomorrow to learn more about our community through lectures and panel discussions, tours and hands-on experiences. During the course of the program class members explore specific areas of our community in-depth including Government, Law & Justice, Tourism, Economic Development, Healthcare, Education and more. This experience enables them to take what they learn and use it – in the workplace, and in the community for the future of Grayson County. Since its inception in 1998, nearly 100 class members have graduated from the program and found it to be an invaluable experience both professionally and personally.
One Day Each Month, Eight Months A Year, You Will…
- Discover the inner workings of Grayson County through Economical Development, City and County Government, Tourism, Chamber of Commerce, Public Works, Utilities, Small Business, and so on.
- Discover how you and your organization can make a positive impact within your business interactions.
- Learn Leadership Skills and your Leadership Style
- Learn to work with learning styles of others as a leader and team building activities
Who Participates in This Program?
- In today’s fast-paced business environment, every employee needs to be prepared to take a leadership role whenever called upon. Emerging leaders of this community and those interested in moving their careers to the next level, find this program personally and professionally invaluable.
What Are The Requirements?
- You must be a Chamber Member
- Attendance of 7 sessions. The Opening Retreat is mandatory.
Applications are due by November 1st of each Leadership Year. Leadership is offered every TWO years on the even years.